
VMware Workstation 10.0.0 Build 1295980 Final [En+Ru]

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post 08-Сен-2013 10:38 4[+]


VMware Workstation 10.0.0 Build 1295980 [En+Ru]

Год выпуска: 2013
Версия: 10.0.0 Build 1295980
Платформа: PC
Совместимость с Windows 7: полная
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Таблэтка: Присутствует

VMware Workstation — известная программа для виртуализации систем. Данный продукт является мощным решением для разработчиков программного обеспечения и системных администраторов, создающих и тестирующих полно-комплексные сетевые приложения класса серверов, работающие в различных средах. Уникальная технология VMware MultipleWorlds позволяет изолировать операционные системы и приложения в пределах создаваемых виртуальных машин, причем в распоряжении каждой виртуальной машины оказывается стандартный компьютер x86, с собственным процессором и памятью.
[*]Одновременный запуск нескольких гостевых операционных систем на одном компьютере
[*]Запуск виртуальной машины в окнах рабочего стола основной операционной системы и на полный экран
[*]Установка виртуальных машин без пере-разбиения дисков
[*]Запуск уже установленных на компьютере ОС без их переустановки или пере-конфигурирования
[*]Запуск приложений операционной системы Windows на компьютере с ОС Linux и наоборот
[*]Создание и тестирование приложений одновременно для разных систем
[*]Запуск не протестированных приложений без риска нарушить устойчивую работу системы или потерять критичные данные
[*]Совместное использование файлов и приложений разными виртуальными машинами за счет использования виртуальной сети
[*]Запуск клиент-серверных и веб-приложений на одном ПК
[*]Запуск на одном ПК нескольких виртуальных компьютеров и моделирование работы локальной сети
Обновлено виртуализированное аппаратное обеспечение:

[*]Улучшена технология вывода на экран, что привело к улучшениям в работе в режиме Unity (проброс приложений их гостя в host, когда они работают как родные приложения хоста), а также систем с множеством видео выходов;
[*]Гостевым ОС можно выделить до 64GB ОЗУ;
[*]Для гостевых ОС Windows 7 и выше теперь эмулируется HD Audio кодек (на основе Realtek ACL888) с поддержкой 7.1 аудио;
[*]Для гостевых ОС Linux 2.6.35 и выше возможно использование в гостевой системе USB3 портов. Эта возможность не работает в Windows до выхода Windows 8, которая будет содержать родной драйвер USB3;
[*]Добавлена поддержка совместного использования Bluetooth устройств в гостевых ОС Windows, однако нельзя пробрасывать аудио поток, мышь и клавиатуру;
[*]Добавлена поддержка проброса в гостевое окружение аппаратной возможности виртуализации Virtual VT-X/EPT или AMD-V/RVI, таким образом в качестве гостевой ОС можно запустить vSphere (в т.ч. 5 версии).
Обновлён пользовательский интерфейс:

[*]Панель избранного была заменена на библиотеку виртуальных машин;
[*]Добавлен живой предпросмотр запущенных гостевых ОС, а также страница со сводкой папки, которая позволяет проще управлять группой гостевых ОС;
[*]Обновлена и расширена функциональность панели режима полного экрана, поэтому режим "Quick Switch" был убран.

Убраны так называемые "VM Teams", потому что режим "команды" (team) теперь можно присвоить для любой гостевой ОС:
[*]Режим работы "команд" (teams) был превращён в новый режим папок (наборов) виртуальных машин;
[*]Для папки виртуальных машин теперь можно ограничить пропускную способность сетевых адаптеров;
[*]В закладке "папок" можно выделить несколько виртуальных машин одновременно и послать им всем команды включения или выключения;
[*]В глобальных настройках программы можно задать интервал через который будут запускаться виртуальные машины (для предотвращения слишком большой одновременной нагрузки);
[*]Используя VMnets, папки можно помещать в различные сетевые сегменты.
Другие улучшения:

[*]Улучшена производительность для NAT соединений;
[*]Гостевые ОС теперь можно использовать совместно с другими пользователями (для этого у обоих пользователей должна быть установлена VMWare Worksation). Используя расширенный интерфейс, можно установить параметры доступа к разделённым гостевым ОС;
[*]Добавлен легковесный клиент для хостов vSphere, который позволяет получить доступ, а также запускать/останавливать/перезапускать и конфигурировать гостевые ОС под управлением этой среды;
[*]Для разделяемых гостевых ОС можно установить атрибут автозапуска, тогда они будут включаться при каждом включении хостовой ОС;
[*]Добавлена возможность подключения к удалённым запущенных гостевым ОС, например, в случае, если аппаратное обеспечение не имеет достаточных ресурсов для запуска "тяжёлого" гостя.
[*]В состав платформы включено приложение VMWare Converter, которое позволяет сконвертировать реальный компьютер в виртуализированное приложение;
[*]Добавлена возможность автоматического обновления дополнений для гостевых ОС;
[*]Windows и Linux версии программы имеют единый серийный номер, поэтому покупая приложение для одной из этих ОС, пользователь может бесплатно использовать его в другой.
New Operating System Support
Support has been added for:

Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows Server 2012 R2
Ubuntu 13.10
As well as for the latest Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat and OpenSUSE releases.
VMware Hardware Version 10
This version of VMware Workstation includes VMware hardware Version 10 and is compatible with vSphere 5.5. Hardware versions introduce new virtual hardware functionality and new features while enabling VMware to run legacy operating systems in our virtual machines. New features included in this hardware version:

16 vCPUs
Virtual machines can now run with up to 16 virtual CPUs. This enables very processor intensive applications to be run in a virtual machine.

Note: Running virtual machines with 16 vCPUs requires that both your host and guest operating system support 16 logical processors. Your physical machine must have at least 8 cores with hyper-threading enabled to power on a virtual machine with this configuration.

8 Terabyte Disks
Virtual machines can now include virtual disks greater than 2 Terabytes. Given the limitations of most operating systems to boot from disks greater than 2 Terabytes, These large disks are most useful as secondary drives for file storage.

Note: To use a disk greater than 2TB for a boot disk, your guest operating system would need to boot using EFI in order to read a GPT formatted disk which is required to access all of the sectors on a disk of this size. Additionally, the Buslogic controller is not capable of supporting a disk greater than 2TB.

Virtual SATA Disk Controller
A SATA I/O controller can now be selected during the creation of a custom virtual machine in addition to an IDE and SCSI controller. This enables use of in-box SATA drivers that are shipped with operation systems.

USB Improvements
USB 3 Streams have been implemented to enable high speed transfer of files from USB 3 external storage devices that support this technology. For customers running Workstation 10 on laptops with small hard disks, large data files, video files etc., can be stored on an external USB 3 storage device and accessed quickly from within the virtual machine.

VMware has also addressed issues Intel, NEC, AMD, TI and Linux Kernel host xHCI drivers to improve overall USB 3 compatibility and performance.

More VMnets
Due to demand, VMware has doubled the number of VMnets in Workstation 10 to twenty! This provides you with more virtual networks to dedicate to specific uses, and it enables more complex networked virtual environments to be built.

SSD Pass-through
Windows 8 is capable of detecting when it is being run from a solid state drive (SSD) and optimizes itself for this hardware. In Workstation 10, the guest operating system will be able to detect when the virtual machine Disk file is being stored on an SSD drive and the operating system can make the same optimizations when it is running in a virtual machine.

Many additional changes have been made to this Hardware Version including some performance improvements, power savings, and compatibility with new processors. We have also made significant improvements in the startup time of VMware Workstation and in Windows boot time when running Windows virtual machines.

Expiring Virtual Machines
VMware has enhanced the capabilities of Restricted Virtual Machines to include the ability to expire a virtual machine on a specified date and time. This feature enables our customers to create virtual machines to be shared with employees, students, customers, contractors, etc. The restricted virtual machine will run until their contract terminates, demo runs out, or course ends.

The expiring capability establishes a secure connection to a web server to validate the current date and time and prevent users from rolling back their system clock to circumvent the logic. The ability to set the synchronization frequency has been added to allow customers to balance the need for timely expiration and the load on their network. Expiring virtual machines also include the ability to display a custom message for virtual machines about to expire and after a virtual machine has expired. Finally, a lease period can be defined to allow users to run offline for plane trips and remote work.

Virtual Tablet Sensors
Workstation runs very well on the new tablet and convertible PCs. Last year VMware enabled touch screen input to be passed through to the virtual machine. Workstation 10 introduces a virtual Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass and Ambient Light sensor.

Customers who run Workstation 10 on a Windows 8 tablet and install Windows 8 in a VM, will be able to shake, twirl, tilt, and spin their tablet and sensor aware applications running in a virtual machine will respond accordingly.

User Interface Enhancements
There are many user interface improvements that we have included in the Workstation 10 release. The highlights include:

Windows 8 Unity Mode Support
We are continuing to improve how the Workstation Unity user-interface works with Microsoft's "Modern UI" or the "Microsoft Design Language" (The new tile interface in Windows 8 formerly known as Metro). Microsoft Store applications are now available in the Unity menu and can be launched directly from it.

Multiple Monitor Navigation
When running with 2, 3, 4 or more monitors it has been frustrating to use the full screen mode in Workstation and toggle through each combination of monitors to get to the one you want. The full screen toolbar now has an option to choose your configuration from a menu and jump to it immediately.

Power Off Suspended Virtual Machines
Workstation 10 lets you simply power off a suspended Virtual Machine in order to make changes to the configuration without powering it on and then off first. Powering off a suspended virtual machine will lose any information stored in memory, but will not lose anything saved to the virtual disk.

Remote Hardware Upgrade
When working with virtual machines running remotely on vSphere or on another instance of Workstation, you can now remotely upgrade the virtual hardware version.

Localized into Simplified Chinese
The Workstation user interface and online help has been translated into Simplified Chinese.

New Converter
This release includes the latest version of the VMware Standalone Converter. The Converter enables users to turn a physical machine into a virtual machine. This version of the Converter includes the ability to convert machines running Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and RHEL 6 operating systems. It supports virtual and physical machines with Unified Extensible Firmware Interfaces (UEFI) and EXT4 file systems as well as GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks.

The Open Virtual Machine Format (OVF) is a virtual machine distribution format that supports sharing virtual machines between products and organizations. The VMware OVF Tool is a command-line utility that enables a user to import and export OVF packages to and from a wide variety of VMware products. The latest release of the OVFTool is included with VMware Workstation 10 and is used to upload and download virtual machines to and from vSphere. The OVFTool is also used to import an .OVF file which may come in handy when importing virtual machines created using desktop virtualization software developed by Oracle.

VMRun Enhancements
The VMRun command line utility has been enhanced with two new options getGuestIPAddress and checkToolsState to retrieve the IP address of the gust operating system and determine the state of VMware Tools in a guest.

Cloud Management Tools
The VMware Workstation team has been making enhancements and working with partners to enable cloud management tools to be used with virtual machines running in VMware Workstation 10.

We would like to thank Mitchell Hashimoto at Vagrant for his development of the Vagrant VMware Provider. See http://www.vagrantup.com/vmware for more information.
VMware would also like to thank Christian Hammond for the development of a Chef knife plug-in for VMware Workstation. See https://github.com/chipx86/knife-wsfusion for more information.
Embedded 30-day Trial
Workstation 10 can now be evaluated for 30-days by simply entering your email address the first time you run the application. This change is intended to make it much easier for our customers to learn about the latest release of VMware Workstation without their license keys being trapped by spam filters.

VMware KVM
Many of our customers have asked for a way to run a virtual machine so that their users do not realize they are running in a virtual machine. VMware Workstation 10 includes a new executable (on Windows only for now) called VMware KVM. Run vmware-kvm.exe vmx-file.vmx from the command line and your virtual machine will launch in full screen with no toolbar or any other indicator that you are running a VM. You can use Ctrl-Alt to ungrab from the virtual machine and the Pause/Break key to toggle between multiple virtual machines running under VMware KVM, or between a virtual machine and the host system. The user experience should be just like that of using a KVM switch - hence the name.

If you simply type vmware-kvm.exe from the command line you will get some options that can be used in this format: vmware-kvm.exe [OPTIONS] vmx-file.vmx. If you run vmware-kvm.exe --preferences you will presented with an interface that allows you to configure certain behaviors such as the key used to cycle between virtual machines.

This is the latest generation of an executable previously called VMware-fullscreen.exe that previously shipped with Workstation 8 with a major upgrade in display handling.
PC Hardware
•Standard x86-compatible or x86-64-compatible personal computer
•1.3GHz or faster CPU minimum
•Multiprocessor systems are supported.
•Support for 64-bit guest operating systems is available with Intel VT or AMD-V CPUs.
•You need enough memory to run the host operating system, plus the memory required for each guest operating system and for applications on the host and guest. The minimum memory requirement is 1GB, VMware recommends to have 2GB and above. For more information on memory requirements, see your guest operating system and application documentation.
•As of version 7.0 of Workstation, the total amount of memory you can assign to all virtual machines running on a single host is limited only by the amount of RAM on the host. The maximum amount of memory for each virtual machine is 32GB.
16-bit or 32-bit display adapter is recommended.
Note Use the latest graphics driver recommended for your host.
Recommendations for Windows 7 Aero Graphics Support
To support Windows 7 Aero graphics, VMware recommends the following configuration:
•Intel Dual Core, 2.2GHz and above
•AMD Athlon 4200+ and above
•nVidia GeForce 8800GT and above
•ATI Radeon HD 2600 and above
Memory—at least 3GB of host system memory, 1GB of memory allocated to the guest operating system, and 256MB graphics memory.
Disk Drives
Guest operating systems can reside on physical disk partitions or in virtual disk files.
Hard Disks
•IDE and SCSI hard drives are supported.
•VMware recommends at least 1GB free disk space for each guest operating system and the application software used with it. If you use a default setup, the actual disk space needs are approximately the same as those for installing and running the guest operating system and applications on a physical computer.
•200MB (Linux) or 1.5GB (Windows) free disk space is required for basic installation. Delete the installer afterwards to reclaim disk space.
Optical CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drives
•IDE and SCSI optical drives are supported.
•CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives are supported.
•ISO disk image files are supported.
Floppy Drives
•Virtual machines can connect to the host’s disk drives. Floppy disk image files are also supported.
Local Area Networking
•You can use any Ethernet controller that the host operating system supports.
•Non-Ethernet networks are supported by using built-in network address translation (NAT) or using a combination of host-only networking plus routing software on the host operating system.
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запустить руссификатор VMware-Workstation-10.0.0-1295980-ru-ru.exe,
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info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 9 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 7


post 03-Окт-2014 18:29 (спустя 1 год) [-]0[+]


Полная русификация?

info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 9 лет

Сообщений: 12


post 18-Окт-2014 21:26 (спустя 15 дней) [-]0[+]


Не устанавливается, вылетает в ошибку.
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 9 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

Предупреждений: 1


post 20-Ноя-2014 10:16 (спустя 1 месяц 1 день) [-]0[+]


Есть новая версия ! 11 Нашёл в сети рабочая,проверил!
Она с ключиком,но он просрочен я просто дату поменял на год назад и всё заработало!
Вот ссылка:http://crashbox.ws/section/virtmachine/76162.html

info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 11 лет

Сообщений: 4


post 20-Ноя-2014 11:46 (спустя 1 час 29 минут) [-]0[+]




Есть новая версия ! 11 Нашёл в сети рабочая,проверил!
Версия 11 это - VMware Workstation Technology Preview July 2014.
Выход 11 оф. версии планируется в декабре.
А про ключик:
A new License Key has been provided which will be expired on January 15, 2015. To enter the new License Key, uninstall Workstation Tech Preview, make sure "Product License Information" is unchecked in the Preserve Workstation Configurations Window during uninstallation, then reinstall it and enter this new License key.
(expires January 15, 2015)
P.S. Если виртуалка была преобразована к новой версии, то открыть в 10-й версии можно изменив в конфигурации (файл с расширением .vmx) 11 на 10 (virtualHW.version = "11").
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 19


post 31-Май-2015 14:40 (спустя 6 месяцев 11 дней) [-]0[+]


не получается руссификация((
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 
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