
(Alternative) Radiohead - Дискография - 1992-2008, MP3, 320 kbps

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post 24-Ноя-2010 19:42 0[+]


Radiohead - Официальная Дискография


Жанр: Alternative|Rock || Страна: UK || Год выпуска: 1992-2008 || Битрейт аудио: 320kBit/s (все записи)

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiohead писал(а):

Radiohead — английская рок-группа из Оксфордшира. Группа была основана в 1986 г., и её состав с того времени не менялся. Стиль Radiohead традиционно определяют как альтернативный рок, хотя на разных этапах звучание варьировалось от брит-попа до арт-рока и электронной музыки. Некоторые треки с альбомов Kid A и Amnesiac относятся к IDM, кроме того на Kid A присутствуют композиции в стиле минимал-техно, фьюжн и эмбиент, а на Amnesiac — композиции с элементами блюза и новоорлеанского джаза.

Radiohead считаются одной из наиболее значительных рок-групп 90-х, по данным на конец 2007 года, альбомы Radiohead были проданы в количестве 25 миллионов копий. Журнал Rolling Stone в 2005 году поместил Radiohead на 73-е место в списке самых великих музыкантов в истории. Все альбомы начиная с The Bends и до Hail to the Thief номинировались на премию Грэмми за «Лучший альтернативный альбом» (дважды Radiohead в этой номинации победили), все альбомы получили статус золотых или платиновых в США и Великобритании и попали в составленный сайтом Music Chain список «Тысячи одного альбома, который ты просто обязан послушать!».
01. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #01] You
02. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #02] Creep
03. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #03] How Do You?
04. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #04] Stop Whispering
05. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #05] Thinking About You
06. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #06] Anyone Can Play Guitar
07. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #07] Ripcord
08. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #08] Vegetable
09. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #09] Prove Yourself
10. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #10] I Can't
11. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #11] Lurgee
12. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #12] Blow Out
13. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #13] Pop Is Dead
14. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #14] Inside My Head
15. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #15] Million Dollar Question
16. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #16] Creep (Live)
17. Radiohead - [Pablo Honey [Japan] #17] Ripcord (Live)
01. Radiohead - [The Bends #01] Planet Telex
02. Radiohead - [The Bends #02] The Bends
03. Radiohead - [The Bends #03] High And Dry
04. Radiohead - [The Bends #04] Fake Plastic Trees
05. Radiohead - [The Bends #05] Bones
06. Radiohead - [The Bends #06] (Nice Dream)
07. Radiohead - [The Bends #07] Just
08. Radiohead - [The Bends #08] My Iron Lung
09. Radiohead - [The Bends #09] Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
10. Radiohead - [The Bends #10] Black Star
11. Radiohead - [The Bends #11] Sulk
12. Radiohead - [The Bends #12] Street Spirit (Fade Out)
13. Radiohead - [The Bends #13] How Can You Be Sure (Bonus Track)
14. Radiohead - [The Bends #14] Killer Cars (Bonus Track)
01. Radiohead - [OK Computer #01] Airbag
02. Radiohead - [OK Computer #02] Paranoid Android
03. Radiohead - [OK Computer #03] Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Radiohead - [OK Computer #04] Exit Music (For a Film)
05. Radiohead - [OK Computer #05] Let Down
06. Radiohead - [OK Computer #06] Karma Police
07. Radiohead - [OK Computer #07] Fitter Happier
08. Radiohead - [OK Computer #08] Electioneering
09. Radiohead - [OK Computer #09] Climbing Up the Walls
10. Radiohead - [OK Computer #10] No Surprises
11. Radiohead - [OK Computer #11] Lucky
12. Radiohead - [OK Computer #12] The Tourist
01. Radiohead - [Kid A #01] Everything In Its Right Place
02. Radiohead - [Kid A #02] Kid A
03. Radiohead - [Kid A #03] The National Anthem
04. Radiohead - [Kid A #04] How to Disappear Completely (And Never Be Found Again)
05. Radiohead - [Kid A #05] Treefingers
06. Radiohead - [Kid A #06] Optimistic
07. Radiohead - [Kid A #07] In Limbo
08. Radiohead - [Kid A #08] Idioteque
09. Radiohead - [Kid A #09] Morning Bell
10. Radiohead - [Kid A #10] Motion Picture Soundtrack
01. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #01] Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
02. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #02] Pyramid Song
03. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #03] Pulk\Pull Revolving Doors
04. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #04] You and Whose Army?
05. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #05] I Might Be Wrong
06. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #06] Knives Out
07. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #07] Morning Bell (Amnesiac)
08. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #08] Dollars & Cents
09. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #09] Hunting Bears
10. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #10] Like Spinning Plates
11. Radiohead - [Amnesiac #11] Life In a Glass House
01. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #01] 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.)
02. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #02] Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.)
03. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #03] Sail To The Moon. (Brush The Cobwebs Out Of The Sky.)
04. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #04] Backdrifts. (Honeymoon Is Over.)
05. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #05] Go To Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
06. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #06] Where I End And You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)
07. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #07] We Suck Young Blood. (Your Time Is Up.)
08. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #08] The Gloaming. (Softly Open Our Mouths In The Cold.)
09. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #09] There There. (The Boney King Of Nowhere.)
10. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #10] I Will. (No Man's Land.)
11. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #11] A Punchup At A Wedding. (No No No No No No No No.)
12. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #12] Myxomatosis. (Judge, Jury & Executioner.)
13. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #13] Scatterbrain. (As Dead As Leaves.)
14. Radiohead - [Hail To The Thief #14] A Wolf At The Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
1. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #01] The Eraser
2. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #02] Analyse
3. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #03] The Clock
4. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #04] Black Swan
5. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #05] Skip Divided
6. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #06] Atoms For Peace
7. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #07] And It Rained All Night
8. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #08] Harrowdown Hill
9. Thom Yorke - [The Eraser #09] Cymbal Rush
01. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #01] 15 Step
02. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #02] Bodysnatchers
03. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #03] Nude
04. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #04] Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
05. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #05] All I Need
06. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #06] Faust Arp
07. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #07] Reckoner
08. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #08] House Of Cards
09. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #09] Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #10] Videotape
01. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #01] MK1
02. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #02] Down Is The New Up
03. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #03] Go Slowly
04. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #04] MK2
05. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #05] Last Flowers To The Hospital
06. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #06] Up On The Ladder
07. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #07] Bangers And Mash
08. Radiohead - [In Rainbows #08] 4 Minute Warning
01. Philip Selway - By Some Miracle (2:39)
02. Philip Selway - Beyond Reason (2:54)
03. Philip Selway - A Simple Life (3:14)
04. Philip Selway - All Eyes On You (2:32)
05. Philip Selway - The Ties That Bind Us (3:42)
06. Philip Selway - Patron Saint (3:27)
07. Philip Selway - Falling (3:13)
08. Philip Selway - Broken Promises (3:03)
09. Philip Selway - Don't Look Down (5:05)
10. Philip Selway - The Witching Hour (2:54)
11. Philip Selway - What Goes Around (Demo) (4:07)
01. Radiohead - [Drill #01] Prove Yourself
02. Radiohead - [Drill #02] Stupid Car
03. Radiohead - [Drill #03] You
04. Radiohead - [Drill #04] Thinking About You
01. Radiohead - [Pop Is Dead 1993] Pop Is Dead
02. Radiohead - [Pop Is Dead 1993] Banana Co. (Live)
03. Radiohead - [Pop Is Dead 1993] Creep (Live)
04. Radiohead - [Pop Is Dead 1993] Ripcord (Live)
01. Radiohead - [Itch #01] Stop Whispering (Us Version)
02. Radiohead - [Itch #02] Thinking About You
03. Radiohead - [Itch #03] Faithless, The Wonder Boy
04. Radiohead - [Itch #04] Banana Co.
05. Radiohead - [Itch #05] Killer Cars (Live)
06. Radiohead - [Itch #06] Vegetable (Live)
07. Radiohead - [Itch #07] You (Live)
08. Radiohead - [Itch #08] Creep (Acoustic)
01. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #01] My Iron Lung
02. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #02] The Trickster
03. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #03] Lewis (Mistreated)
04. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #04] Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
05. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #05] Permanent Daylight
06. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #06] Lozenge Of Love
07. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #07] You Never Wash Up After Yourself
08. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #08] Creep (Acoustic)
01. Radiohead - [The Bends Pinkpop Edition #01] Fake Plastic Trees
02. Radiohead - [The Bends Pinkpop Edition #02] Blow Out
03. Radiohead - [The Bends Pinkpop Edition #03] Bones
04. Radiohead - [The Bends Pinkpop Edition #04] Nice Dream
05. Radiohead - [The Bends Pinkpop Edition #05] High & Dry
01. Radiohead - [The Bends - Live #01] Fake Plastic Trees
02. Radiohead - [The Bends - Live #02] Blow Out
03. Radiohead - [The Bends - Live #03] Bones
04. Radiohead - [The Bends - Live #04] You
05. Radiohead - [The Bends - Live #05] High & Dry
01. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #01] No Surprises
02. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #02] Pearly * (Remix)
03. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #03] Melatonin
04. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #04] Meeting In The Aisle
05. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #05] Bishop's Robes
06. Radiohead - [No Surprises / Running From Demons #06] A Reminder
01. Radiohead - [College Karma #01] Karma Police
02. Radiohead - [College Karma #02] Polyethylene (Parts 1 & 2)
03. Radiohead - [College Karma #03] Pearly
04. Radiohead - [College Karma #04] A Reminder
05. Radiohead - [College Karma #05] Melatonin
06. Radiohead - [College Karma #06] Paranoid Android
01. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #01] Airbag
02. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #02] Pearly*
03. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #03] Meeting In The Aisle
04. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #04] A Reminder
05. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #05] Polyethylene [Parts 1 & 2]
06. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #06] Melatonin
07. Radiohead - [Airbag / How Am I Driving? #07] Palo Alto
01. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #01] The National Anthem
02. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #02] I Might Be Wrong
03. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #03] Morning Bell
04. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #04] Like Spinning Plates
05. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #05] Idioteque
06. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #06] Everything in Its Right Place
07. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #07] Dollars and Cents
08. Radiohead - [I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings #08] True Love Waits
01. Radiohead - [College #01] Pyramid Song
02. Radiohead - [College #02] I Might Be Wrong
03. Radiohead - [College #03] Fast-Track
04. Radiohead - [College #04] Trans-Atlantic Drawl
05. Radiohead - [College #05] Kinetic
01. Radiohead - [Com Lag #01] 2+2=5 (Live At Earls Court, London, 26.11.03)
02. Radiohead - [Com Lag #02] Remyxomatosis (Cristian Vogel RMX)
03. Radiohead - [Com Lag #03] I Will (Los Angeles Version)
04. Radiohead - [Com Lag #04] Paperbag Writer
05. Radiohead - [Com Lag #05] I Am A Wicked Child
06. Radiohead - [Com Lag #06] I Am Citizen Insane
07. Radiohead - [Com Lag #07] Skttrbrain (Four Tet RMX)
08. Radiohead - [Com Lag #08] Gagging Order
09. Radiohead - [Com Lag #09] Fog (Again) (Live)
10. Radiohead - [Com Lag #10] Where Bluebirds Fly
01. Thom Yorke - [Spitting Feathers #01] The Drunkk Machine
02. Thom Yorke - [Spitting Feathers #02] A Rat's Nest
03. Thom Yorke - [Spitting Feathers #03] Jetstream
04. Thom Yorke - [Spitting Feathers #04] Harrowdown Hill (Extended Mx)
05. Thom Yorke - [Spitting Feathers #05] Iluvya
01. Thom Yorke - [Harrowdown Hill #01] Harrowdown Hill
02. Thom Yorke - [Harrowdown Hill #02] The Drunkk Machine
03. Thom Yorke - [Harrowdown Hill #03] Harrowdown Hill (Extended MX)
01. Radiohead - [Creep (UK) 1992] Creep (3:59)
02. Radiohead - [Creep (UK) 1992] Lurgee (3:09)
03. Radiohead - [Creep (UK) 1992] Inside My Head (3:12)
04. Radiohead - [Creep (UK) 1992] Million Dollar Question (3:17)
01. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar 1993] Anyone Can Play Guitar (3:21)
02. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar 1993] Faithless The Wonder Boy (4:14)
03. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar 1993] Coke Babies (2:58)
1. Radiohead - [Creep #01] Creep (Album Version)
2. Radiohead - [Creep #02] Yes I Am
3. Radiohead - [Creep #03] Inside My Head (Live)
4. Radiohead - [Creep #04] Creep (Live)
1. Radiohead - [Creep Black Sessions #01] Creep
2. Radiohead - [Creep Black Sessions #02] The Benz (Black Session)
3. Radiohead - [Creep Black Sessions #03] Prove Yourself (Black Session)
4. Radiohead - [Creep Black Sessions #04] Creep (Black Session)
01. Radiohead - [Stop Whispering 1993] Stop Whispering (4:12)
02. Radiohead - [Stop Whispering 1993] Creep (Acoustic) (4:21)
03. Radiohead - [Stop Whispering 1993] Pop Is Dead (2:15)
04. Radiohead - [Stop Whispering 1993] Inside My Head (Live) (3:06)
01. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar - Tour Souvenir Edition 1994] Anyone Can Play Guitar (3:24)
02. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar - Tour Souvenir Edition 1994] Creep (3:58)
03. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar - Tour Souvenir Edition 1994] Pop Is Dead (2:13)
04. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar - Tour Souvenir Edition 1994] Thinking About You (EP version) (2:17)
05. Radiohead - [Anyone Can Play Guitar - Tour Souvenir Edition 1994] Killer Cars (2:15)
01. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Planet Telex CD1 1995] High & Dry (4:17)
02. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Planet Telex CD1 1995] Planet Telex (4:19)
03. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Planet Telex CD1 1995] Maquiladora (3:28)
04. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Planet Telex CD1 1995] Planet Telex (Hexidecimal Mix) (6:44)
01. Radiohead - [High & Dry / Planet Telex 1995] Planet Telex (4:19)
02. Radiohead - [High & Dry / Planet Telex 1995] High And Dry (4:17)
03. Radiohead - [High & Dry / Planet Telex 1995] Killer Cars (3:03)
04. Radiohead - [High & Dry / Planet Telex 1995] Planet Telex (L.F.O JD Mix) (4:40)
01. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD1 1995] Fake Plastic Trees (4:53)
02. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD1 1995] India Rubber (3:27)
03. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD1 1995] How Can You Be Sure (4:21)
01. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD2 1995] Fake Plastic Trees (4:52)
02. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD2 1995] Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic Live At Eve's) (4:41)
03. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD2 1995] Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was (Acoustic Live At Eve's) (3:35)
04. Radiohead - [Fake Plastic Trees CD2 1995] Street Spirit (Fadeout) (Acoustic Live At Eve's) (4:27)
01. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Live Package 1995] High & Dry (4:19)
02. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Live Package 1995] Creep (Live) (4:12)
03. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Live Package 1995] My Iron Long (Live) (4:43)
04. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Live Package 1995] Stop Whispering (Live) (5:28)
05. Radiohead - [High & Dry - Live Package 1995] Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong (Live) (5:03)
01. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Just (3:54)
02. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Planet Telex (Karma Sunra Mix) (5:23)
03. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Killer Cars (Mogadon Version) (3:51)
01. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Just (3:54)
02. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Bones (Live At The Forum) (3:14)
03. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Planet Telex (Live At The Forum) (4:08)
04. Radiohead - [Just 1995] Anyone Can Play Guitar (Live At The Forum) (3:40)
1. Radiohead - [Just (For College) #01] India Rubber
2. Radiohead - [Just (For College) #02] Maquilladora
3. Radiohead - [Just (For College) #03] How Can You Be Sure?
4. Radiohead - [Just (For College) #04] Just (Live)
1. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD1 #01] Street Spirit (Fade Out)
2. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD1 #02] Talk Show Host
3. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD1 #03] Bishop's Robes
1. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD 2 #01] Street Spirit (Fade Out)
2. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD 2 #02] Banana Co.
3. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) CD 2 #03] Molasses
1. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 2 Meter Sessions #01] Street Spirit (Fade Out)
2. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 2 Meter Sessions #02] Anyone Can Play Guitar (2 Meter Session)
3. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 2 Meter Sessions #03] Bones (2 Meter Session)
4. Radiohead - [Street Spirit (Fade Out) - 2 Meter Sessions #04] Street Spirit (Fade Out) (2 Meter Session)
1. Radiohead - [The Bends #01] Planet Telex
2. Radiohead - [The Bends #02] My Iron Lung (Live At Forum)
3. Radiohead - [The Bends #03] Bones (Live At Forum)
1. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #01] My Iron Lung
2. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #02] Permanent Daylight
3. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #03] Banana Co
4. Radiohead - [My Iron Lung #04] My Iron Lung (Live)
01. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD1 1997] Karma Police (4:24)
02. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD1 1997] Meeting In The Aisle (3:09)
03. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD1 1997] Lull (2:28)
01. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD2 1997] Karma Police (4:24)
02. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD2 1997] Climbing Up The Walls (Zero 7 Mix) (5:19)
03. Radiohead - [Karma Police CD2 1997] Climbing Up The Walls (Fila Brazillia Mix) (6:25)
1. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #01] Paranoid Android
2. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #02] Polyethylene (Parts 1& 2)
3. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #03] Pearly*
1. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #01] Paranoid Android
2. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #02] A Reminder
3. Radiohead - [Paranoid Android #03] Melatonin
01. Radiohead - [No Surprises CD1 1998] No Surprises (3:51)
02. Radiohead - [No Surprises CD1 1998] Palo Alto (3:44)
03. Radiohead - [No Surprises CD1 1998] How I Made My Millions (3:08)
01. Radiohead - [No Surprises 1998] No Surprises (3:51)
02. Radiohead - [No Surprises 1998] Airbag (Live In Berlin) (4:50)
03. Radiohead - [No Surprises 1998] Lucky (Live in Florence) (4:35)
01. Radiohead - [Knives Out [Japan TOCP-65871] 2001] Knives Out (4:17)
02. Radiohead - [Knives Out [Japan TOCP-65871] 2001] Cuttooth (5:25)
03. Radiohead - [Knives Out [Japan TOCP-65871] 2001] Worry Wort (4:38)
04. Radiohead - [Knives Out [Japan TOCP-65871] 2001] Fog (4:04)
05. Radiohead - [Knives Out [Japan TOCP-65871] 2001] Life In A Glasshouse (Full Length Version) (5:06)
1. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD1 #01] Knives Out
2. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD1 #02] Cuttooth
3. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD1 #03] Life In A Glasshouse (Full Length Version)
1. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD2 #01] Knives Out
2. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD2 #02] Worrywort
3. Radiohead - [Knives Out CD2 #03] Fog
1. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song Pinkpop Edition #01] Pyramid Song
2. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song Pinkpop Edition #02] The National Anthem (Live)
3. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song Pinkpop Edition #03] Idioteque (Live)
1. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #01] Pyramid Song
2. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #02] The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
3. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #03] Trans-Atlantic Drawl
4. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #04] Kinetic
1. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #01] Pyramid Song
2. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #02] Fast-Track
3. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #03] Kinetic
1. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #01] Pyramid Song
2. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #02] Fast Track
3. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #03] The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
4. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #04] Trans-Atlantic Drawl
5. Radiohead - [Pyramid Song #05] Kinetic
01. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] Go To Sleep (3:23)
02. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] I Am Citizen Insane (3:32)
03. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] Fog (Again) - Live (2:17)
01. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] Go To Sleep (3:23)
02. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] Gagging Order (3:35)
03. Radiohead - [Go To Sleep 2003] I Am A Wicked Child (3:05)
1. Radiohead - [There There #01] There There
2. Radiohead - [There There #02] Paperbag Writer
3. Radiohead - [There There #03] Where Bluebirds Fly
1. Radiohead - [2+2=5 #01] 2+2=5
2. Radiohead - [2+2=5 #02] Remyxamatosis (Cristian Vogel RMX)
3. Radiohead - [2+2=5 #03] There There (First demo)
01. Radiohead - [2+2=5 CD2 2003] 2+2=5 (3:22)
02. Radiohead - [2+2=5 CD2 2003] Skttrbrain (Four Tet Remix) (4:26)
03. Radiohead - [2+2=5 CD2 2003] I Will (Los Angeles Version) (2:15)
01. Radiohead - [Nude 2008] Nude (4:17)
02. Radiohead - [Nude 2008] Down Is The New Up (5:01)
03. Radiohead - [Nude 2008] Minute Warning (4:05)
01. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (4:10)
02. Down Is The New Up (Live From (5:08)
03. Last Flowers (Live From The Ba (4:11)
01 - Climbing Up A Bloody Great Hill
02 - Somebody
03 - Mr B
04 - Whats That You See
05 - Everyone Needs Someone To Hate
06 - Upside Down
07 - The Greatest Shindig
08 - Give It Up
09 - How Can You Be Sure
10 - Life With The Big F
11 - Keep Strong
12 - Rattlesnake
13 - Burning Bush
14 - Tell Me Bitch
15 - New Generation
01 - I Can't
02 - Nothing Touches Me
03 - Thinking About You
04 - Phillipa Chicken
05 - You
01. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Killer Cars (2:31)
02. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Wonderwall (1:07)
03. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Blowout (3:10)
04. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Street Spirit (4:30)
05. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Lucky (3:57)
06. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] High And Dry (4:32)
07. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Motion Picture Soundtrack (3:21)
08. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Fake Plastic Trees (4:53)
09. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Black Star (4:06)
10. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Street Spirit (4:19)
11. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Subterranean Homesick Alien (4:31)
12. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Thinking About You (2:59)
13. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Creep (4:20)
14. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Just (2:37)
15. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Lozenge Of Love (2:11)
16. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Banana Co. (2:24)
17. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Airbag (3:27)
18. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Bullet Proof (3:40)
19. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Killer Cars (Mogadon Version) (3:53)
20. Radiohead - [Unplugged 1999] Fake Plastic Trees (4:52)
01. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #01] Intro
02. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #02] A Punchup At A Wedding
03. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #03] I Might Be Wrong
04. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #04] I Will
05. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #05] Sail To The Moon
06. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #06] No Surprises
07. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #07] Interview
08. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #08] Interview
09. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #09] Go To Sleep
10. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #10] Karma Police
11. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #11] Everything In Its Right Place
12. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #12] Fake Plastic Trees
13. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #13] There There
14. Radiohead - [Not My Fault #14] Outro
01. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Everything In Its Wrong Place (2:32)
02. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Idioteque Calisthenics Ft. Gift Of Gab & Cut Chemist (2:14)
03. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Change The Beat - MF Doom (PZ Wicked Child Remix) (3:25)
04. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Daytona 500 - Ghostface (Panzah Zandahz Iron Lung Remix) (3:05)
05. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Rapperfection - Edan Ft. Mr. Lif (National Anthem Mash-Up) (3:36)
06. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] At Ease (0:30)
07. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Creep Ft. Fred From Fitter Happier (Or At Least It Kind Of Sounds Like Him) (3:30)
08. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Me & This Army Ft. Sev Statik & A Shitty Mic (2:01)
09. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] D.D.T. - Kool Keith (Panzah Zandahz Paperbag Remix) (0:46)
10. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Itsoweezee - De La Soul (Pz I Will Remix) (3:56)
11. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] How Ya Want It - Jungle Brothers (Pz Punchup Remix) (3:56)
12. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] No Suprises (None At All Really) (3:53)
13. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Sooo Tired (0:25)
14. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] You & What Army Beat (2:04)
15. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Planet Telex Loop (2:45)
16. Radiohead - [Me & This Army - Radiohead Remixed & Mashed Up By Panzah Zandahz 2005] Paranoid Android Beat (3:47)
01. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Just (3:55)
02. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Paranoid Android (6:27)
03. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Karma Police (4:24)
04. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Creep (3:57)
05. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] No Surprises (3:49)
06. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] High And Dry (4:17)
07. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] My Iron Lung (4:36)
08. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] There There (5:22)
09. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Lucky (4:19)
10. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Fake Plastic Trees (4:52)
11. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Idioteque (4:38)
12. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] 2+2=5 (3:19)
13. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] The Bends (4:06)
14. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Pyramid Song (4:50)
15. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Street Spirit (Fade Out) (4:14)
16. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Everything In Its Right Place (4:11)
01. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Airbag (4:48)
02. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] I Might Be Wrong (4:52)
03. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Go To Sleep (3:22)
04. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Let Down (5:00)
05. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Planet Telex (4:20)
06. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Exit Music(For A Film) (4:27)
07. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] The National Anthem (5:47)
08. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Knives Out (4:16)
09. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Talk Show Host (4:40)
10. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] You (3:29)
11. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] Anyone Can Play Guitar (3:37)
12. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] How To Disappear Completely (5:56)
13. Radiohead - [The Best Of 2008] True Love Waits (5:04)
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 

post 24-Ноя-2010 20:05 (спустя 23 минуты) [-]0[+]

Топик был перенесен из форума Анонсы в форум Аltеrnаtivе, Рunk, Indереndеnt (mр3)



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 3673


post 24-Ноя-2010 20:10 (спустя 27 минут) [-]0[+]


У них всех есть сольники, почему их нет тогда? Тогда бы уж все добавили, а не один альбом и эйпи Тома...
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 1785


post 24-Ноя-2010 21:09 (спустя 59 минут) [-]0[+]


а у меня то что спрашивать? Спрашивай у автора темы , чего он не добавил

info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 3673


post 24-Ноя-2010 21:15 (спустя 5 минут) [-]0[+]


Ты не причем, просто не понимаю, зачем добавлять в официальную дискография Радиоголовых сольный альбом и ейпи, хотя если раздача с рутрекера, то многие и не думают смотреть на содержание. Ладно, прекращаю оффтоп.
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 178


post 24-Ноя-2010 21:57 (спустя 41 минута) [-]0[+]


Я могу добавить в раздачу альбомы There Will Be Blood и Bodysong Джонни Гринвуда, а также Familial Фила Селуэйя. Как раз сейчас и займусь этим.
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 3673


post 24-Ноя-2010 22:02 (спустя 5 минут) [-]0[+]



There Will Be Blood и Bodysong
Это нужно в раздел саундтреков.
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 178


post 30-Ноя-2010 21:32 (спустя 5 дней) [-]0[+]


Торрент-файл обновлён, добавлен альбом Familial Фила Селуэйя
Качаем и радуемся жизни.
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 53


post 14-Дек-2010 19:38 (спустя 13 дней) [-]0[+]


сиды где?(
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 
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